Help to the person in need

Price negotiable: 75013 FCFA
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I decided to make loans ranging from $ 3,000 to $ 500,000,000
with a relatively low interest rate compared to banks. Following an interview with one of my financial advisers, we decided to give loans to help individuals who unfortunately do not have access to banks with their difficult conditions. you have credits to repay, in this case you can take a loan that can resolve your problems as quickly as possible with your bank or also with companies. email:

Town / City / village:Mhlume - Swaziland
Creation Date28.12.2020
Ad number:10051
CategoryElectronic devices

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In general we believe that all our announcer and services providers are genuine. But In order to avoid been fooled and for your own personal safety, always meet the seller in a public places or at least not in isolated places. It's probably a good idea if you bring a friend as well to witness the transaction

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